Two movies you should see but haven't heard of!
Actually let me take that back, one of these movies you may have heard of but probably didn't see. Now I am a fan of the obscure and not just mainstream obscurity. And let me tell you, one of the movies I am about to mention is the definition of obscure. So let's GO, GO GADGET REVIEW STUFF!
Cabin Fever
Not as bad as people made it out to be
Ok first I am going to start off with 'Cabin Fever.' Now my sister rented this and I didn't expect much from it, especially after she watched it and said how horrible it was. I went in expecting it to be this anti-Christ of a movie but was actually pleasantly surprised.
The movie starts off with a group of friends going to go rent a cabin in the woods for a week so they can party and do "hip" stuff like that. Yes, the movie starts off shallow. Yes, you have seen these characters before. Anyway what makes this movie different though is the way each person portrays their character. You have the cool blonde guy who actually pulls off being a cool blonde guy with just the right amount of shallow. You have pretty girl that main character is in love with who is also convincing. My favorite though is Burt. Burt is the loud obnoxious guy that decides he wants to shoot squirrels because "they are gay." I failed to mention that the main character is played by Rider Strong of 'Boy Meets world' fame. Anyway they get set up and suddenly are attacked by a hermit who vomits blood all over their car. They kill him by setting him on fire and he runs off into the woods in a blaze of glory. His body falls into the lake that distributes the water to the resort and contaminates it with his skin disease carrying blood. Hilarity ensues. Not really but I thought I should say that. The cute girl is then turned from cute to hideous complete with rotting flesh. Think of a zombie that isn't dead yet. That's about the jist of the plot. Sometimes the movie felt uneven though. It could have been scary and truly classic but director Eli Roth didn't really stick to a formula. I found myself laughing more than being scared. did we That's good for most movies like this but this movie had promise. Did we really need the mullet kid shouting "PANCAKES" while doing karate moves? Not really but the movie is still a fun ride though.
Now the DVD to 'Cabin Fever' is amazing though. It makes fun of itself by having features such as a special "Family Version" that lasts 30 seconds. Also they have a really cool and informative documentary about the making of the movie. My favorite feature though has to be "Chick Vision." You can turn this on and during the most frightening parts of the movie, actual hands will come on screen and cover up the scary part. It's a good feature and a novelty item all in one!
Even with its flaws, "Cabin Fever" should at least be on your rental list. The movie may have holes in it but the DVD makes up for it. Rent it, it's a cheap rental now, you have no excuse.
Movie Score
DVD Score
Dog Soldiers
The best werewolf movie I have ever seen.
Remember when I said one of these movies defined obscure? This is it. Dog Soldiers was released back in 2002 on DVD. America was one of the few countries that did not get a theatrical release of the spectacular film . If it had been released maybe we would actually have standards for werewolf movies instead of the 'Van Helsing's' and 'Underworlds' being panned as "werewolf" movies.
A group of British soldiers are dispatched to a routine training mission in Scotland. Things start to get strange though after they discover a Special Op's camp slaughtered with only one survivor. They are then attacked by werewolves but make it to the street in time to be picked up by the female main character. They go and stay at her friend's house while they try to figure out what is going on. During this time bullets are constantly flying as the house is continuously attacked by werewolves. The plot twists and turns and you never know what is going to happen next. The dialogue is fast and furious with characters playing off one another at an almost Kevin Smith like pace. There are subtle pop culture references that are hilarious. This movie, unlike Cabin Fever, knows what it wants to be. The humor is in there but not in a slapstick fasion.
Now let me talk about the werewolves and the gore. Oh yes, glorious gore. There are literally buckets upon buckets of gore in this movie. Heads are ripped off, limbs severed, and guts ripped out. The werewolves are believable as the are costumes and not CGI. The DVD itself is pretty lame though without any real features worth mentioning besides the standard theatrical trailer. However a great part about this DVD is it's price. Why rent the movie when you can buy it for $7? Yes, the price of this great movie is under $10. Great movie, great price, need I say more?
Final Score
DVD Score
2.5/5 (because of the price)
I hope your review need has been quenched. Before I close I would like to give a special thanks to the Green Day Authority forums for stopping in and checking out my site.
Funny how I want to rent Cabin Fever JUST to see the Chick Vision deal. That in itself sounds hilarious. And since when do you actually find GOOD dvd's for under ten bucks? Niiice.
I'm going to have to go on the boards and tell them they were mentioned so they need to go back pronto and actually look around + comment. I will make them comment. Even if I have a feeling they will comment on things that aren't even related to your site...
Fun reviews though, these make me actually want to finish the one I started on Hot Fuss. I need to get with the program...
When you finish your review and get your site up, I'd be more than happy to put the link to your website on my sidebar.
hey gav! you actually liked cabin fever?! yick, i thought it was just a lame sex movie. though if they would've cut back on the sex and put something else in it might have been a bit better. however i did like the ending, i don't think it could be any better. perfection in the art of irony... he he!
hey sorry for the anoymous thing, but it wouldn't let me put the stupid thing up any other way. later!
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