
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A plethora of things to talk about. I just used the word "plethora."

Ok so to start off this news post I will say this; The Happy Show has commenced shooting again. If you don't know what the Happy Show is then let me tell you. The Happy Show is a public access show that I do reviews for with my friend, and comic shop owner, Matt Hawes. There is also a puppet involved. So we shot some stuff for the third season of the show today involving my controversial review of Napoleon Dynamite. Good times. Those should start airing within a month or two.

Second order of buisness is in regards to the commenting system. It has been changed so that you no longer have to have a blog in order to post. That is helpful on so many levels as many people had trouble commenting in the past due to this glitch.

And the final order of buisness is this; I corrected the misspelled word on the sidebar. Finally got around to doing that and added the rating of "0" to the list. Also check out the site of a local girl. Her name is Erica and she runs a Lord of the Rings site. Worth checking out. The Bagend Bugle
Should have a review of something up soon so keep checking back. Also you can use the question/comment link to email me a question or request me to review something. I like getting email from people who read this site. I also like getting email other than forwards. Keep that in mind.

Your Host


At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may have to check with Alanis Morrisette about this, but I think we have a case of irony, here.

You misspelled "commenced" on your blog entry, the same entry that mentions how you corrected the spelling on your sidebar.


Just giving you a hard time.

Wait till your fans see you wearing a wig on "The Happy Show"! ;-)

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

The misspelled word has been corrected you heckler.


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