
Saturday, February 19, 2005

"Constantine" delivers us from the evil that is mediocrity

The first near perfect movie of the year

I honestly don't know how to begin this review. I am at a loss for words when it comes to talking about this near perfect movie. I will start off by saying to forget about the Matrix, this is Keanu Reeves best performance ever. Keanu Reeves plays John Constantine, a exorcist/demonologist/cynical outcast. As a child John realized he could see past the veil of the balance and see demons and angels, or as he called them, "half-breeds." Apparently demon/angels can't fully exist in this world as actual entities but they can influence others thus they are half human/half something else. John tried to kill himself as a teen but was only dead for two minutes, which we find out is an eternity in hell. So John is spared and sent back to Earth but is forever doomed to hell for taking his own life.

The movie starts off in Mexico with a Mexican guy finding the "Spear of Destiny." The "Spear of Destiny" is the tip of the spear used to stab Jesus Christ towards the end of the crucifixion. Move forward a little bit and we see John doing a routine exorcism, or at least what he thinks is routine. Now it's only during the beginning of this movie that sort of turned me off. The movie was still great at the beginning but there was one thing that turned me off. Shia LaBouf is the thing that turned me off early on. Yes Shia LaBouf also known as Louis Stevens from the Disney show "Even Stevens." He is kind of a sidekick wannabe who drives the taxi. For the first ten minutes of the movie I thought I was watching "Collateral." John realizes, in a pretty cool fashion, that this is no ordinary exorcism. He seeks the counsel of the angel Gabriel to find out what is going on. Yes, that angel Gabriel. During this time though we are acquainted with another main character. Her name is Angela and her sister has killed herself but Angie believes that there was something more sinister involved. As the story moves along we find out that Angie's sister could also see the demons and angels but was committed by her parents for talking about seeing these things. Towards the end of the movie it really kicks into high gear by letting us actually visit hell and some of the best action sequences ever. I mean, come on, a Striker shotgun that is also a cross? How is that not completely awesome? The story in the end does make sense and a very special cameo also occurs. Won't tell you who it is but it is cool. And in the end Shia LaBouf does redeem himself by only having a bit part and toting a shotgun towards the end. Who doesn't love to see Disney characters tote weapons? Can't wait for the "Lizzie McGuire/Rambo" crossover.

Even with the flaw of having LaBouf the movie will still completely blow you away. This is one of the best, if not the best, script to screen translation of a comic yet. Let's hope "Sin City" can keep the trend of good comic book movies going. Oh and by the way, this movie gets the first 5 out of 5 of 2005. Way to go "Constantine", your cookie is in the mail.

Final Score

Some of the trailers before this movie kind of bothered me. "Kingdom of Heaven" was one of those. It looks good but how about we stick Orlando Bloom in something that doesn't have him riding a horse, swinging a sword, or using a bow. Also Colin Farrell needs to go away. Seriously, when your best role is you standing in a phone booth for an hour and a half, you should take a hint and just stop.


At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great review, Gavin! This made me want to watch it again, haha. Those Disney characters keep popping up in everything good! First Buffy, now this.

I'm just waiting for an Angel season five review now.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

That Angel Season 5 review will hit as soon as I get it.

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice review, Gavin! Keep up the good work!

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

--- That last comment was by me, Matt Hawes, Gavin! :-)

(I forgot to type my name! D'Oh!)

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Nice Gav, I've seen Constantine too, It's a good movie though some scenes are irreconcilable. Generally, in the end you'll still understand what Constantine's been through... and why things have to go like this.

The first scene shows an Asian woman being exorcised and I happen to understand what she's saying cause I understand Tagalog. She said, "Papatayin natin sila!", which means, "Let's kill them all!" Cool...

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Donald said...

I agree with everything you said about this movie with only one exception: Shia LaBoef is awesome. Sure it'd be easy to dismiss him as just another disney kid, but it wouldn't credit his amazing talent and above average body of work. He hasn't just churned out crap like Hillary Duff, he's actually a fantastic actor with impeccable comic timing who's made some cool acting choices. I'll admit that his character didn't add a whole lot to this movie, but only because it was underwritten, not because of anything Shia did wrong. He was great.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Gavin said...

I must say Shia Laboef is a good actor compared to many of the Disney alums. Like Donald said, he is by no means Hilary Duff, or even to an extent, Lindsay Lohan. I loved Mean Girls but I heard that Confessions of a Teenage drama Queen is awful. I'll take everyone's word on that one:)

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gavin This Is Robert! I think your Right on with this review. I do think however it could have used a bit more action. I really wish movies would also stop using Gabriel. Without giving anything up to those that have not seen it. I will leave it at that. You know I never did picture Hell being earth in a nucular blast. Anyways good job on the review see ya soon.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

Robert is spot on with the action thing thought. I would have liked to have seen a lot more use of that awesome shotgun. Also I forgot to put in my review that Gavin Rossdale did a great job as Balthazar.


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