
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I really hate to plug things I have done..

First thing you might notice is that I dropped the "reviews" part of my blog title. This will make it so people won't think I am reviewing actual garages. Anyway I usually don't plug anything that I do but this is something that I am really proud of. I write screenplay's in my spare time using the site Script Buddy. Anyway I am currently working on this one screenplay about two Mormon missionaries that get into a lot of trouble. It's kinda like CLERKS with Mormons but without all the swearing. Anyway if you would like to read it here is the link. Badder Day Saints Script Keep in mind that there may be slight grammatical errors as this is a work in progress and not the final draft. I am working on this screenplay with the high hopes of getting it sold and hopefully it will be made into a feature length film. So far I have gotten two four star user reviews and only postive feedback. I think I might actually have something here with this script. Hopefully something good will come of this.

Your Host


At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun script! At its' current length, it would be a short film, though. But, that wouldn't be a bad thing, either. It would be pretty cool if you could find a way to get it produced. Nice work! Keep it up, and keep on updating the blog! --- Matt Hawes

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

Matt, my script is not done. The "WIP" next to the title stands for "work in progress." I also hope that I can get it produced. Once again I thank you for telling people about my blog.



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