
Saturday, January 08, 2005

White Noise
Kinda like the Ring only it didn't suck

Now after reviewing "Napoleon Dynamite" I needed a movie that I could actually enjoy. "White Noise" is that movie. Now I don't get scared at movies often but his one had me at the point of almost weeping. It wasn't so much scary as it was psycologically traumatizing. As this movie is based around something that is actually real. E.V.P(Electronic Voice Phenomenon) is the the recording of somone who has passed on. This movie does tell a very good story that is centered around that phenomenon.

Jonathan Rivers and his wife Anna are very happy together until Anna suddenly disappears. Jonathon never gives up hope until he is approached by a man who says he is recieving messages from Anna on the other side. Jonathon disregards the man but does take his card. Shortly after he is approached Anna's body is found. Sixth month's after the funeral Jonathon recieves a message on his answering machine from Anna. He goes and finds the man who approached him originally to seek answers. We find out that the man is named robert Price and that he is contacted through EVP from the dead. He also meets a character named Sarah who will go on to play a larger role in the movie. Robert tells him that not only can he hear Anna but sometimes she can come through visually through VHS as well. Upon hearing this he basically becomes a recluse taping everything that he can. I know I am the only one that noticed how nice all the tv's he bought were. Without giving too much away I can say you will jump a few times during this movie. I did like the inclusion of facts about EVP before and after the movie. It was quite educational.

Now I could continue but this is one of those movies that you really have to experience. Now the only reason this movie is not going to get a perfect score from me is because it did have some plot holes and one line pretty much gave a large enough hint for you to be able to figure out the movie. I won't tell you what the line is though, you'll just have to see it for yourself. During this movie though I did feel like yelling at the screen and saying "Michael Keaton, you are Batman, don't be afraid!" I didn't though because I like going to the movies and would have probably been kicked out. Now the only way to describe how scary this is is to tell you that people were actually getting up and leaving because of the content on the screen. Small children (it's beyond me why you would bring one to a movie like this) were leaving and I even saw a teen couple leave because the girl got too scared. This movie is scary and the thing that makes it scary is the fact that it could, in reality, happen. the director does a good job of this and the writing is fantastic. This movie is not without it's flaws but should be seen nonetheless. A good way to kick off '05.

Final Score


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