
Saturday, August 21, 2004

News on AVP DVD and Batman Begins sequel

AVP News
Now after the many lackluster reviews given by myself and others to AVP some good news is on the horizon. A R rated directors cut of the movie is on its way when the DVD hits store shelves. A release date is still unknown but you can read the full story at my new message board home, Bloody-Disgusting.com

Joker News
Ah yes the clown prince of crime and he is working overtime these days considering that he already has people who might play him in the next Batman: Begins movie. Some of these potentials are Lachy Hulm who played the little known hovercraft pilot Sparks in the Matrix Revolutions and Reloaded. Steve Bushchemi who would be an excellent choice in my opinion considering his superb roles in Resevoir Dogs and Fargo. Robin Williams who I think is the least qualified for the role considering his age. Mark Hamill who did the wonderful voice of the Joker on the Batman animated show but may also be unqualified due to age. The last of these(and the reason I saw fit to mention it) is Alexis Denisof who played the role of Wesley Wyndam Pryce on Buffy and Angel. Alexis being a contender to this came as a shock to me. Anyway it is good to see that they are already planning sequals to the not even released Batman:Begins. I will be sure to keep you posted on these things. OH I got all this information from www.slayerverse.de



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