
Saturday, July 31, 2004

The Village
M. Night Shamalan's new masterpiece that everyone seems to hate.

Now I know I promished you a I, Robot review but I decide to review something a little more worthy. Coming off the hit Signs in 2002, M. Night Shamalans new movie The Village has completly blown that movie out of the water. This man is a genious in his writing and filmmaking that is very rare these days. Dare I say M. Night Shamalan is the Quetin Tarantino of his genre of filmmaking.

On to the actual review now, first off if you are going to this movie because you think it is a horror/creature feature, don't. This movie is so much more than I had bargained for. I expected a movie like Signs (which was mediocre at best) and got a Sixth Sense/Unbreakable mix.

The movie starts off with a funeral for a little boy who had recently died and we establish the year and such. It is the year 1897 and we are in a little village where everyone helps each other out and they seem very tight knit. Our main characters consist of the town elder Edward Walker (William Hurt), the shy loner type Lucious (Joaquin Phoenix), the "hopelessly in love with everybody" Kitty (Judy Greer), and her blind sister Ivy (Bryce Dalls Howard), (Sigorney Weaver) as Lucious' mom and (Adrienne Brody) as the village idiot. The people of the village have been told to never enter the woods because of the violent creatures that live there. These creatures are also attracted to the color red for some reason so when ever red pops up they have to bury it. However the villagers and the creatures have struck a truce in which they will not enter the creatures woods and the creaturs won't enter their Village. This plot takes a turn when Lucious wants to go into the towns to get medicine for one of the villagers. The Elders promptly deny him that privelage saying he would be killed by the creatures. Lucious is proposed to for marraige by Kitty but he denies her because he is in love with her blind sister Ivy. A event happens in which Ivy needs to leave the village for medicine and she is granted to do that. The creatures in this are better than the CGI aliens in Signs. I can't go too much further into this review without giving lots of details away. In typical M. Night Shamalan fashion there is a big twist in the end and it is very fulfilling. This movie is one of the best I have seen all summer and maybe even ever. Forget what other critics are saying about this movie because they crave action and apparently cannot grasp the metaphore that The Village is built upon. So forget Ebert and forget Entertainment Weekly because if I love a movie this much, it has to be something special!

Final Score
A Whopping

I have decided to upgrade my scale so you can tell what is average and what is extraordinary!


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