
Sunday, June 20, 2004

I made my computer love me

Well I have my internet up and running again and it seems SBC Tech Support wasn't completely useless after all. Anyway I would like to give a shout out to my number 1 fan Kristan. I am currently watching The Simpsons Fourth Season so expect a website and Happy Show review soon. I have been slacking off on my web reviews as of late but with the internet being down and stuff it has been hard. However since you are all dying for a review I'll do a quick and easy one real fast:

The Chronicles of Riddick
See Riddick Run, See Riddick Jump, See Gavin Ask for Money Back

I'll do this quick. Pitch Black was a great movie, this is not a good movie. The redeeming quality of this movie is the girl who played Gwen Raiden on Angel is in it. However that isn't enough to save this movie though. This movie may possibly be Battlefield Earth 2K4 Edition. Special effects can not, I repeat, can not save a movie. Vin Diesel one liners can not save this movie. The entire cast of Lord of the Rings can not save this movie. Get where I am going with this? It is a bad movie and I found myself saying "I should have seen Garfield" *shudders

1 1/2 out of 4

It got the extra half because Gwen from Angel is in it and she is better to look at than a sweaty Vin Diesel


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