
Sunday, December 21, 2003

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The journey ends
Ok this was a request review from my good friend Eric, so here it is: a review of The Return of the King. This is the final chapter in the enthralling Lord of the Rings Trilogy. This movie starts off where the last one ends almost to the exact point. We start with some back story on Smeagol and than are once again put in the world of Middle Earth and the journey Frodo must take. We do this for a while and than switch to the trio of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. We see them as they are preparing for the siege of Gondor and we also see Merry and Pippin in the ruins of what was once Isengard. Merry and Pippin than meet up with Gandalf and the Fellowship starts to form again. Than we start to see in the Frodo story that his character is starting to deteriorate and the burden of the ring is becoming much. Sam tries to help Frodo with his burden but Frodo refuses his help because his mind is being poisoned with lies from Gollum. This movie is reeeaaaaallllly long so I'm not going to go into much more detail about everything and just tell you about the good parts. We do see the Battle of Gondor and let me say this: WOW! It is intense and it takes up almost half of the movie; which is a hard feat. If you thought the siege of Helms Deep was big than you will see how minute it was in the grand scale of Middle Earth. One-Hundred Thousand orcs, on screen, at the same time, it's insane! I however felt that the arrival at Mount Doom (the place they were taking the ring to) was a little rushed and not as dramatic as it should have been. We spent three years questing for this place and when we get there it's not that big a deal in the filmmakers eyes. It is sad to see it end though, as it will not seem like Christmas without a Lord of The Rings movie opening up. There is talks however of them making The Hobbit into a big screen film, guess we'll have to wait and see. After the movie though I felt like something was missing or something wasnt complete. It might have been that it was over and there wasn't another one next year or maybe the movie was lacking something but either way it's still a good movie to see this holiday week. Take a date, enjoy a good movie, and then go home to your family and enjoy the holidays. This is a solid movie overall and a fitting end to a extraordinary trilogy and landmark in movie making. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Final Score
4 out of 4


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