
Tuesday, December 02, 2003

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Special Extended Edition DVD
The One Ring like never before

Well after a couple week hiatus, I have again Returned. I know your all disappointed that I came back but hey I’m here to stay. Enough with the small talk lets get to the good stuff, the review. OK on the chopping block this week we have the Two Towers Special Extended Edition DVD. I’m sure most of you have already seen the theatrical version of the film and feel pretty secure in what you saw. Once you watch this you will realize how much you missed with the original version. This version extends the movie by about forty-five minutes, making the final movie just under four hours. All of the extended or new scenes add so much magic to this already wonderful movie that you feel like your watching it again for the first time. The guide that comes with the set is also very informative in telling you which scenes are extended or new. This way you can identify new footage quick and easy and keep up with the movie. However the running time can feel like forever sometimes during some of the talking but flies by during the siege of Helm’s Deep. This movie is by no means a chore to watch though. Now, let’s move on to the special features and let me tell you there are a crap load of them. Two discs of special features each with it’s own documentaries and photo galleries and such. Also on the main discs you get FOUR separate audio commentaries. You can watch the movie four times with a different audio commentary from one with the director to another with the cast. For those keeping track that’s about sixteen hours of special features right there. I must say that my favorite special feature had to be the documentary on Gollumn because some say I bear a resemblance to him. With all that said the best thing about this scrumptious set is the measly price of only $29.99. In my opinion ask Santa to stuff your stocking with this little jewel.

Final Score
4 out of 4(and then some)


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