
Monday, September 01, 2003

The Simpsons- The Complete Third Season on DVD
At Last it Has Arrived!!!

Ok before I start this I much say that a year wait between seasons is just ridiculous! They pump out Star Trek seasons every other month and us Simpsons fans have to wait a YEAR between seasons, its ludacris. If they had put a season out every six months or so it would be nice. I should in theory be reviewing Season 5 but im still on 3. Anyway I'm gonna start my review now before I pop a blood vessel. The set of season three is decent to say the least but I would have expected more from a set that took the formentioned year to come out. The season of episodes is really good and blows seasons one and two away with room to spare. Some of the stand out episodes are When Flanders Failed, Flaming Moes, The Otto Show, Black Widdower, Barts Friend Falls in Love, and Brother, Can you Spare Two Dimes. The last two I mentioned i have to say is the hardest I've Laughed at a Simpsons episode in a long time. It was also nice to remember the episodes I had seen when I was in Kindergarten(im 16 now and to remember those episodes was nice). However here comes the bad. People complained about the spinning head gag in the second season set and said it was annoying, they fixed this but went the other way and made some menus very, very boring and simplistic. The special features are decent for the most part with the highlight being the commentary( i'm a sucker for good commentary). Overall it's good that it is finally out but I expected more from it because of the wait. See you this time next year probably just getting season four!

3 out of 4


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