
Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Freddy VS Jason
Horror fanboy dream come true

Let me start off by saying that I am biased in this review just because I have waited for this movie since early childhood( I was a wierd kid) and I was not disappointed by the end result. Let me start off by saying that this movie was ten plus years in the making and after many false starts and directors dropping out someone finally decided to take a chance with this movie. His name is Ronny Yu or as I call him the franchise saver because of his other big name movie was Bride of Chucky which saved that franchise. In my opinion he should tackle Halloween 9. But now on to the actual movie itself. The movie starts out with a little prologue about the man with the fingerknives, Freddy Krueger, and how he was killed and the fun he had in the killing of disposable teens in their dreams. However everyone has seemed to forgotten poor Freddy and he has been rendered powerless because he thrives on fear and they cant fear what they don't know. So thus he inlists the help of everyones favorite goalie serial killer , Jason Voorhees. Freddy comes to Jason in his dreams in the form of Jason's mommy dearest and she tells him to kill kids on Elm Street so they all think it's Freddy doing it. However them fighting comes about because Jason won't stop killing the Elm street teens even after Freddy got back in the swing of things. They fight in both the dream world and the real world which gives each one a different advantage. However they had to throw in those pesky teenagers to try to foil their fun though, this did however keep the movie going. All the stereotyped teens where in there. The stoner however learned to never trust a pot smoking Freddypillar the hard way. The one thing that did bother me though is how calm these people are after there friends and family had been killed. It was just unnatural how they got over theses things so quickly. But however this isn't enough to take away from the movie because the "final" battle at the end makes up for it. There is this one scene at the end where the music is playing loud and Freddy and Jason are just stabbing, cutting, maming, disemboling, and gouging each other which was more intimate than any love scene ever made(I'm sick I need help). The ending was good however with a suddle hint at a sequal which I don't think anyone will mind. But everybody get ready for Freddy VS Jason Round 2 *Ding.

4 out of 4


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