
Saturday, August 09, 2003

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 1-4 on DVD
Slay hard on DVD
Ok let me start by saying that Buffy is not for everyone, mostly over religious people and moms who say it's corrupting the youth of America. But for everyone else you're in for a good show. It's a soap opera with vampires and demons as some of the leads. since this is the first DVD box set i've reviewed they'll be judged on DVD extras and special features. More than anything else just because if you're getting the DVD you're probably already a fan and seen a majority of the episodes. Anyway we'll start with The Complete First Season and work are way up. The first season starts out slow just because we have to meet the characters, establish who they are and what they do. After the first couple episodes you have a general idea where the season is going and who the big bad buffy is going to be facing throughout the season. The first season is a must have for Buffy fans just because it s where it all started. Out of all the seasons it is probably the weakest in the special features department with only two episodes with commentary and a couple of interviews with Joss Whedon the creator.

Ok now on to the Complete Second Season, ok this is when the show started to take off and it shows. It starts off quicker than the last season because we've established the characters already. It starts off with Buffy coming home after the summer and being all bitter after her death. The season than gets going fairly well with an introducion of a second slayer and two new big bads. Then the biggest televison plot twist of all time happens........ i'm not going to tell you though just because you have to not expect it to fully appreciate it. That twists makes up the rest of the season so memorable. This has been called the best season by many people, but my favorite season is what i'll be reviewing next. The features on this season are an improvement from last seasons with commentary on four episodes and five featurettes. You also get episode scripts and the formentioned interviews.

Woo, im getting tired but I must push forward for the people. The Complete Third Season is undoubtably my personal favorite season out of all of the ones released. This season also has one of my two favorite episodes in it "The Wish." This episode involves a vengence demon granting the wish of Cordelia that Buffy never comes to Sunnydale. Then we see that without Buffy the whole town would be run by vampires. Anyway the third season mainly involves second slayer Faith and The Mayor of town wanting to ascend into a demon. There are yet again many plot twists throughout season which again I will not mention to conceal there shock value. The last episode has the greatest battle of any Buffy season and you'll watch it over and over again. The features finally got the standard set in this season with more episode commentaries, interviews and the much awaited season overview.

zzZZZZ.......OH WAIT I'M UP GET THE BACON AWAY. You people are demanding its 11:30 my time but im up for you. Anyway we've finally reached our last season. The Complete Fourth Season is by some called the weakest season but I just think it is a transitional season from high school to college. I will say though this season did have some crappy episodes but none of which compare to the craptitude of the Double Meat Palace from season 6. The big bad of this season was more of a Frankenstein than anything. The season had to make do without some characters returning so they had to make it up with adding new characters, some of which people hated with a passion(cough...Riley....cough). I did enjoy seeing my second favorite episode of all time "Hush" on DVD. That episode actually scared the crap out of me because it got me thinking. Anyway this seasons features improved slightly on season three's standards, plus the overview was great.

Finally done, i'm gonna lie down now.

Season 1
3 out of 4

Season 2
4 out of 4

Season 3
4 out of 4

Season 4
3 out of 4

season 5 coming in december!


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