
Friday, January 28, 2005

Super Size Me Reviewed

Sheesh, when people start actually looking at your blog I have discovered that you actually have to put more work into it. Who woulda thought? Anyway here is a movie that some of you may have passed up. It has been nominated for the Best Documentary of the Year at this years Academy Awards. If there is any justice in this world, it will win. Anyway onto the review!

Super Size Me
A documentary not made by Michael Moore, that's a good thing

The concept is simple enough: Go one month with eating only McDonalds food in order to see if the food really is harmful. This film was made during the time of the lawsuits against McDonalds by people claiming McDonalds made them fat. Anyway Morgan Spurlock desired to put this to the test. Embarking on a thirty day McDonalds fast to see what would happen to the otherwise healthy adult. Enlisting the help of three different physicians, Morgan went head first into this experiment.

Oh yeah, it seems like a good idea at first but once you have eaten your seventh double quarter pounder with cheese, it has to be getting to you. He set himself up some rules though.
1: He had to eat everything on the menu at least once
2: If they asked him to super size, he had to say yes.
3. He could only eat things outside of the fast that appeared on the Mcdonalds menu
The second day in he has to super size a double quarter pounder meal. Hilarity ensues as he McVomits all over the parking lot. This movie isn't just him eating McDonalds though, he also tackles the school lunch system. Turns out that a reform school for juvenile delinquents is serving better lunches than your run of the mill public school. After a few weeks in Morgans liver is pretty much beaten. His health is put in jeopardy by the food he has been consuming. This movie is thought provoking and is very well done.

Now many of you may think that this is just a mainstream way to publically humiliate McDonalds, it isn't. If you want to prove a point you need to do it to the most familiar place possible. McDonalds is a fast food juggernaut and Morgan does mention other fast food places in this documentary. This movie does have limited appeal though as many people will not want to watch a man eat McDonalds food for an hour and a half. I must confess though that Morgans girlfriend annoyed the crap out of me. She is vegan and opposed what he was doing everytime she was on screen. It just got on my nerves. I conclusion though this movie is really good. By the end of it you feel as if you have actually learned something. Even with it's limited appeal and his annoying girlfriend this movie is still great.

Final Score


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