
Saturday, March 05, 2005

Hi, my name is Mel Gibson and I like money.

What else can be said really? As most of you know, next week Mel Gibson's super successful Easter "masterpiece" will be rereleased in a super duper "recut" version of the film. This "new" version of the film will have six minutes of the violence cut out of it. Now if you have seen The Passion" then you already know that six cut minutes of the movie is not going to make it more family friendly. Now the initial run time of the movie is 127. So taking the six minuts out will put it at just about two hours. Now for a movie that has Jesus being beaten for about 3/4's of the movie, how can six minutes make it any less graphic? Maybe they will take out a whip here and a whip there but in the end he is still being whipped. He most likely took out the part where Jesus has his ribs exposed and maybe part of the crucifixtion. Now the only reason to do this is to make more money. However if you don't believe me, take a look at this half-cocked answer by Mr. Passion himself, Mel Gibson. Half-Cocked Reasoning

Now he says he is doing it for the "Uncle Harry's" and the Grandmothers who may not have seen it before. If he wanted them to see it, why didn't he just release the "recut" version to theaters last year? Now the film has integrity and I respect what he tried to do but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Jesus was more than just a guy who was beaten. Jesus wasn't the only guy ever to be brutally beaten. In Biblical times it happened quite often. The movie should have been three parts Jesus teaching the people and one part crucifixtion. Instead the movie went the other way and just showed Jesus being beaten for two hours. Jesus died for a reason and that reason was for our sins. I dunno really what I think of the film, if you can even call it a film. I just know that a "Passion Recut" DVD will come out and a fully loaded version of the original will eventually come out as well. Is $600 million worldwide not enough for you? You did a good thing I suppose but leave it alone. It's time has passed, stop forcing it on us. I am a Christian and I believe in Christ dying for our sins but I don't feel that it should be forced onto people, they need to believe it for themselves and not because a movie told them to. I really do like Mel Gibson, I feel he is both a talented actor and director. However I don't like this version of Mel Gibson. I honestly think he has missed the purpose of his own film. Just my two cents on this one.


At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you noticed you're right a lot?

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

I try to be right as much as I can.

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight, I start editing episode one of season three of "The Happy Show"! I'll also be sending you the pics I took for the show and your blog soon, Gavin! Wait'll the crowd sees Kristan give you a face fulla water! Ha!!!

BTW, as we'll see on the show, Gavin is right a lot of the time, but is he right about "Napoleon Dynamite"?? Hmmm...

At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Gibson has his own way of interpreting things. Maybe you're frustrated cuz it doesn't fit yours... as a movie critic.. you have to be more objective.


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