I think I waved the biggest WTF flag at "War of the Worlds"
War of the Worlds
You know Spielberg, there is a thing called, get this, a sad ending.
Ahh, yes, another over hyped Summer blockbuster. How did this one fair? Well, it's decent, but it could have been so much more.
Ray(Tom "I'm everywhere these days" Cruise) gets his kids for a weekend while his ex-wife and some good looking guy go off to Boston to visit ex-wife's parents. Ray is a hardworking dockworker who we are supposed to relate to since we are all dockworkers at heart. He's a hardworking blue collar guy. His kids, played by Dakota "No 11 yr old talks this" Fanning and some totally Emo kid, have adapted to the knew life with their new step dad so, naturally, they butt heads. Dakota Fannings character complains of Ray's lack of a Tivo while Emo kid steals Ray's vintage Mustang. But don't worry folks, Ray is about to show the world that he is too cool for school when the aliens attack.
When a strange formation forms in the sky, everyone decides that it is "pretty" and go outside to look at it. When the lightning storm starts, we once again decide it is "scary...but cool." When all of are electronic things stop, save for ONE GUYS CAMERA and THE VAN THAT TOM CRUISE WILL EVENTUALLY DRIVE, we find nothing wrong with it. Yes, all things electronic are fried but have no fear, Tom Cruise tells his mechanic friend to fix ONE THING in the car. Now, I'm no mechanic, but if all things electronic break, wouldn't it take a bit more than one part to fix a completely fried car? Naturally a crater forms in the middle of the city from where the lightning hit and everyone goes to investigate. When a large Tripod emerges from the crater and starts frying people, one guy keeps filming with his magic indestructible camera until, he too, is turned to people dust. But we get to see him killed through the LCD screen of his camera so it's artistic.
Now, I will say this: This part of the movie is intense if you can suspend your belief enough. Ray runs home, grabs his kids, steals the van, and starts driving on the highway where cars are broken down. But don't worry, Ray, the cars have strategically stopped in a f0rmation that let's you weave right through them. They arrive at his ex-wife's house to find no one is there. He busts out the peanut butter sandwiches in which Dakota Fanning's character say's something witty. A plane crashes during the night which doesn't hit the part or the house they are in, neither does it hit the van. After this comes the scariest part in the movie (at least to me) that involves video footage. Now, to go any further would ruin the movie for everyone. I will say this about the ending thought: It sucked. It sucked hard and it came about to fast. Also, the aliens that Spielberg was keeping oh so secret were a huge letdown. Imagine the Independence Day Aliens, but cuter. Yes, cuter. I didn't want to hurt them, I wanted to hug them and name one Goostav!
The CGI was good but nothing remarkable. I honestly believe that this movie would not have gotten a lot of attention had it not been for Spielberg/Cruise. The plot holes in this one just scream out "I'm a plot hole!" Also, I almost didn't see this film because I am so freaking sick of seeing Tom Cruise. From him on Oprah, to him publicly making out with Katie Holmes, to the "You're a jerk" incident; I am just sick of him. Dakota Fanning is great in this movie, though, And the Emo kid plays Emo well, too. In conclusion, the movie was good but not "Jurassic Park" good. Not Speilbergs best, but it's still Spielberg. Suspend your belief a bit and you can find something to enjoy. Oh, and I would like to meet one person who actually took the whole "bodies floating down the river scene" seriously.
Final Score
Ray is downright "irresponsible" father... It's really obvious in the movie... how could you miss this character in him... and I thought you are a movie critic.
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