Barry Watson does it for the paycheck in "Boogeyman"
PG-13 horror at it's absolute worst.
There is a trend in Hollywood right now. That trend is the PG-13 horror movie. Now, these movies try to be more psycological than violent. In the case of a movie like "White Noise," it works like a charm. In the case of a movie like "Boogeyman," it just...well, it sucks...hard.
Tim(Barry Watson..with a 5 'o clock shadow going for a supporting Oscar) believes in the Boogeyman. He believes it a lot more after his dad is beat to death by the Boogeyman in his closet. Naturally, we are going to fast forward 15 years and see how he is doing. He naturally has fooled himself into thinking that his dad just "ran away" instead of the fact that his dad was beat to death by a crappy CGI figure. He is some sort of writer or something at a magazine with a new main squeeze. I'd tell you her name but it's not important since the movie only mentions it once or twice. And if it's too good for the movie to mention, it's too good for me to mention. We see her ask Tim to go get her her coat but, GASP, he has to come face to face...with a CLOSET! Yes, the main villain in this film is Tim's fear of closets. It also add's a sort of an unintentionally homsexual metaphor/undertone to the entire movie. I mean, come on, closets?
Naturally his mom dies and he is forced to go back home. His psychiatrist suggests he stay in the house where his dad "left" and he does. Some girl from his past named Kate comes over and offers to bring him food. He also meets some girl whose purpose/plot twist is blatantly obvious throughout the entire movie. When it comes down to the actual Boogeyman fight, it is so underwhelming you want to beat yourself in the head just to forget the sheer stupidity of the entire movie.
The Boogeyman himself was kinda cool to look at, that is until they defeat him in the lamest way possible. The only good point in this movie is towards the end when Tim's uncle fires a nailgun at him. I too want to fire a nailgun at Barry Watson for signing onto this movie. Apparently he wanted to be like fellow 7th Heaven co-star, Jessica Biel, and have a hit horror movie like she did with the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" remake. Well, it may have been number one at the box office one week, but then I just reassure myself that people are stupid. It helps me sleep at night when crap like "Boogeyman" keep getting greenlit .
Final Score
Whoever said the quote "Scariest Movie Ever" that appears on the box of the DVD, remind me to beat you to death with movies that are much better.
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