
Monday, May 02, 2005

"Family Guy" returns...but is it with a vengeance?

Family Guy Season 4 Premiere
Yep, it's back, and it hasn't skipped a beat.
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Now, I saw this episode on Monday of last week because I am a dirty eye patch wearing internet scoundrel. Instead of posting my review early, I decided to post it now since the epsiode has aired for all to see. This was also to avoid spoiling any of the bits for anybody who doesn't have bit torrent. Aren't I a nice guy?

Anyway, the episode starts off in typical Family Guy fashion with Peter completely destroying FOX's credibility by making fun of all the shows that have been cancelled during the past 2-3 years, many of which were picked to replace Family Guy. We then get to the real meat of the episode with a subplot about Lois and Peter losing the spark in their marraige. They decide to go on a second honeymoon and leave Brian in charge of the kids. Stewie and Brian team up to look after Chris and Meg and wind up looking like an old married couple. Some of my favorite parts of the episode are Stewie/Brian related. Peter and Lois wind up wrecking the car in hilarious fashion and decide to pretend to be Mel Gibson to use his hotel suite since all the money was used for car repairs. Now, at this point in time everyone has made fun of the Passion. South Park did it, the Simpsons did it to an extent, but nobody took it a step further. Well, I can no longer say that as Family Guy did the best parody of the "Passion" and Mel Gibson. The last part of the episode consists of Peter trying to destroy the "Passion 2: Crucify This." That's about the sum of the episode though.

The cultural references run rampant through this episode and you can tell Seth MacFarland and company are truly glad to be back. My favorite bit of randomness would have to be the G.I. Joe parody that occurs after Chris is offered alcohol. "And knowing is half the battle! G.I. JOE!" Brings back lots of fond memories. The "Passion 2" trailer was also comedic gold and so was Mel Gibson. Stewie was also cool in this episode, but really, what else can you expect from Stewie?
So yeah, it's back, and some might say it's better than ever. I am one of those people. I definitely think Family Guy is going to be around for a long time this time. This is exactly what FOX needs since it's other shows aren't doing so well in the funny department. Welcome back Family Guy, and, you know, stick around this time.

Final Score


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