
Friday, June 17, 2005

It just doesn't get any better than Batman Begins.

Batman Begins
Let's just hope he doesn't get a Robin
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Now, I am one of the biggest Batman fans out there, so you must know how I felt when Batman and Robin came out. I felt betrayed, I felt as if my comic book hero was gunned down in Crime Alley by the most vile villain of all: Jerry Bruckhiemer. But don't fret, Christopher Nolan has decided to come and reinvent a wayward franchise.

Long gone are the days of nipple suits and ER doctors. Batman is back... sort of. Christopher Nolan has set this film apart from the other four films. This is not a bad thing as the other films were lackluster to say the least. Each one had something wrong with it. The original had Jack Nicholson butcher the Joker; Returns had Danny Devito as the Penguin and Christopher Walken was under used; Forever was just way too comical; Batman and Robin was just...well...best to dwell in the greatness in Batman Begins than to fester in the sheer horror of Batman and Robin.

Batman Begins begins with Bruce Wayne. This is the origin story of how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman so those of you expecting Batarangs to the neck in the first five minutes may be disappointed. Bruce is trained during this time by Liam Neesons character of Henry Ducard. Christian Bale plays Bruce Wayne this time out and all I have to say is that he should always be Batman. He completely owns the role in this one. Not only because he plays a great Batman, but because he can play billionaire playboy, Bruce Wayne, so well also. Katie Holmes stars as the pseudo love interest but stays in the background. The main story revolves around Bruce becoming the Batman, the prosecution process of Carmine Falcone, and a plot to destroy Gotham by the League of Shadows, run by Ra's Al Ghul(played here by Ken Watanabe). Cillian Murphy does an awesome job as Dr. Jonathon Crane aka Scarecrow when he shows off what he can do while interviewing Falcone. The Scarecrow is one of my favorite villains and to see him played so well did nothing but fill me with joy. Just so many acting compliments to give out this time. Gary Oldman is great as Sgt. Gordon, Morgan Freeman is great as Lucious Fox, and Michael Cain dominates as a cynical Alfred. The plot of the movie moves along and involves Crane's signature fear gas. Lot's of action ensues and the new Batmobile shows what it can do. The twist is also good and most will never see it coming.

Even though it doesn't stick to the comic completely, I couldn't ask for more. I can't imagine seeing this in anything other than an IMAX screen as it is just so much better on a screen of that size. The ending left me wanting more. Especially with what they hinted at in the next movie. Go see Batman Begins and you will not leave disappointed.

Final Score


At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice review, Gavin.

I have to needle you, though, as you butchered some names...

The director is Christopher Nolan (as opposed to "Noland").

Ra's Al Ghul is the villian's name, not "Raja Ghul."

And it's Gary Oldman, not... whatever it was you wrote. ;-)

Hey, if I didn't tease you about this, who would?

Excellent review despite the spelling errors! Keep and up (and more often, ya slacker!)...

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Gavin said...

I wrote this at like 11:30 at night. Cut me some slack! But I have noted what you said and it will be corrected now. And as for keeping up to date, stay tuned for a special piece I am going to do entitled "Movie Tie In's People Really Want." Thanks for reading.

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This movie just might actually make me a Batman fan. I've bordered on being one before but I really like this version of him. But Alfred cynical? em...don't know if thats the word I'd use. Maybe we can see it again Sat (I dont think I'd mind but zach might since we're seeing it with another friend tomorrow). Just not in the IMAX again, waste of money imo, just to see it on a really big screen?


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