
Monday, July 11, 2005

"Fantastic Four", not Marvel's best

Fantastic Four
Nothing Fantastic about this one folks

First off, I would like to say that my first review of this movie was inappropriate and unprofessional. I should not have called any of my readers idiots just because they have a different opinion than me. Also, to the
anonymous poster who commented, I truly appreciate your visiting of my site and truly apologize to you. If you do come back and see this, know that I am truly sorry. Now, onto my slightly less harsh review.

Fantastic Four starts off with Reed Richards(Ioan Gruffadd) pitching an idea of space travel to Victor Von Doom(Julain McMahon). Doom agrees to fund the project and goes up himself to see things through. Richards' brings along his friend Ben Grimm(Michael Chiklis) and Doom insists on having Richards ex-lover, Sue Storm(Jessica Alba), on board for the experiment. Sue's brother Johhny Storm(Chris Evans) is brought along to pilot the ship. Naturally everything goes wrong when they get to space and it leaves them with special powers. Some might call these powers "Fantastic." Anyway, everyone discovers there powers and take the finding a different way. Johnny uses his powers to attract women, while Ben hates his power as it has left him diformed. Doom resents Reed for putting his company under after the space blunder. Reed decides that he can build a machine to reverse the effects which bears the question: If he could build a machine to do the experiment, why did he go to space in the first place? Naturally, in the end they all ban together and defeat Dr. Doom from doing something evil. It's never really made clear waht he intended to do other than blow stuff up.

Dr. Doom is one of the main problems with this movie. Not so much with McMahons performance, but how his character was written. Dr. Doom should have never been on the ship to begin with. Now I know comics and movies are two different mediums but if they insisted on putting Doom on the ship, they should have had him be protected by the shields and do all the evil stuff through plotting, not with super powers. I wasn't a fan of some of the effects, either. all of the Human Torch stuff was very well done but the Mr. Fantastic effects were just horrible. I guess this means no Plastic Man movie. The ending leaves much to be desired as mentioned before. Dr. Doom really doesn't have a true motive other than steal some weapons and blow stuff up. Michael Chiklis did a decent job as the thing but, c'mon, put some "oomph" behind that "It's Clobberin' Time!" Jessica Alba is apparently giving Rebecca Romign Stamos a run for her money as "girl who can be in more comic movies."

Overall, this isn't a great movie. It has it's moments and the humor from Johnny Storm is appreciated. I just wish the writing could have been a lot better. With movies like "Batman Begins" out there, this just doesn't cut it.

Final Score


At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you liked this review your a idiot.

What kinda reviewer insults his readers? I saw many little kids coming out of the movie saying they liked it. Are you calling them idiots to? I think your reviews are getting worse and This will be the last one I read. Just a suggestion to you Gavin I wouldnt try to make a job or even a hobby out of this. Your not very good at it. Go to school learn a trade and dont be such a idiot!!

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just fyi...i wasn't the anonymous. It was a really good movie tho. I couldn't compare it to Batman b/c, well, they are totally different. One is dark the other is far more light hearted. But, I found them both very enjoyable. Its not as good as Spidey, but what is? Doom wanted to get back at Reed for killing his co and taking Sue away from him. Btw, Sue was up there b/c shes a scientist too, Ben was co-pilot. Reed only found out more about the flare thingy when he was in space so that is why he was able to later on make the reverse chamber and not before.

Oh, and you're still on my bad side for dissing Marvel, and because of it I will probably never ever read DC comics. Marvel is by far, much better than DC b/c their characters are far more human and identifiable with. (Unless you know some people who can identify with like, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter guy (Jon'z Jon'zz).


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