
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm back! Corpse Bride reviewed!

I bet some of you would never see this day come again. After a very, very long hiatus, I rise from the ashes like a Phoenix to give you the dirt on one of the most anticipated films of the year. In my time off fr mdoing this column I started doing some web content such as a script called VG Lost that is basically the show LOST with video game characters. I also started a new screenplay that I can't tell you much about except it does for retail jobs what Clerks and Office Space did for their respective positions. Now, back to what I mentioned earlier, my Corpse Bride review. Here we go!

Corpse Bride
Can it live up to its stop motion predaccessor?

After the groundbreaking hit that was "Nightmare Before Christmas," many people specualted that it would only be a matter of time before Mr. Burton decided to make another stop motion film. That was half true. He did make another stop motion film but it took him twelve plus years to do it in. And the reult of this was "Corpse Bride."

Victor(voiced by Johnny Depp), is bound to be wed to a lovely girl named Victoria(Emily Watson) who comes from a very lovely, and wealthy, family. The two hit off great but as the wedding rehearsel begins, Victor can't say his lines properly. He decides to go out into the woods and practice a bit. He says his vows perfectly and places the ring on what he thinks is a branch. Suddenly, the branch comes to life and we realize it is a person. Victor then realizes that he has just married a corpse named Emily(Helena Bonham Carter) and that he is to be sent to the Land of the Dead, which of course puts a damper on the original marraige plans.

Once Victor makes his way down to the Land of the Dead is when the film really shines. The different color pallets they used to differentiate the two worlds are truly remarkable. The soundtrack is also another fine treat by composer Danny Elfman. although some of the songs weren't as memorable as the ones in Nightmare. As you watch this film you forget that you are actually watching puppets move and begin to think that they could actually be alive. The voice acting is also top notch and all of the Burton alums make an appearence.

In conclusion I will say this: I really didn't like the film when I saw it in theaters. I thought it was rather drab and boring but somehow I really loved the film when I watched it on DVD last night. Maybe I was in a different mood or the theater was too loud but I really dug it this time around. Although not as great as Nightmare, it truly stands out as one of the most creative pieces of cinema of last year.

Final Score


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Matt Hawes said...

Gavin, you're alive!! Nice review! Welcome back to the living! --- Matt Hawes

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, you must be Gavin Eddings! Bounty Hunter! Random battleer! Awfully sexy fellow!
Seriously, crack open a bottle of Orangina for yourself from me, your videos were super.
I have to confess myself a devout fan, from right from your spectacular stalking of that suicidal bounty, to your heroic conquest of the mighty Rotheseph, your greatness is apparently endless.
Anyways, I'm currently building you a small shrine in the corner of my room, so if you receive any sacred offerings of deer offal, it's from me!!
Just, look after yourself mate. It's a big bad world out there!
Your dedicated fan,

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

Well, I appreciate the kind words richante. If I ever get off my ass I will finally put up Solid Snake:Life in Suburbia. Just need to get over to my friends hosue and finish the editing on it.

At 4:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you'd better!
Or I'll go on a rampage...
Oh, and it's Richanté
With an "é"

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Gavin said...

If you don't mind my asking, how did you manage to come in contact with my stuff Richanté?

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well... it's a long story.
Basically, I was searching on google videos for "LARPing" (Live action role-play), which I strongly recommend you do asap, as there are some spectacular videos of LARP battles, i.e. people running around hitting each other with swords. I think LARPing is funny.
And so when I got bored of that, I searched for RPGs instead, hoping to find some similarly amusing footage, and I stumbled upon the second of your videos. Enamoured by such a fantastic video, I pursued the prequel, which was every bit as good. And now I longingly await the conclusion of this epic trilogy!

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Gavin said...

The Epic trilogy will be completed......

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd be amazing if you weren't such a jerk.


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