"The Island" is like the Energiezer bunny, it just keeps going
The Island
Possibly the longest feeling movie in existence.
Michael Bay doesn't usually turn out quality work. He does a fairly good job as a producer as was seen with such films as the Texas Chainsaw remake and the Amityville remake. His directorial track record isn't the best though. How does "the Island" fair?
Ewan Mcgregor and Scarlette Johannnsen star as two clones of successful people in this film. They, however, are completely oblivious to the fact that they are clones. Every week the facility where they live has a lottery on who gets to go to "the Island." What the Island is supposed to be we really don't know but they think it has to do with it not being contaminated. Apparently, the Earth was contaminated with something or other. It's really not but they think it is. Ewans character of Lincoln begins questioning things. This makes Sean Beans character very nervous. Eventually, Scarlette Johannsens character is picked to go to the Island and Lincoln must stop her from going after he finds out the truth. Long action scenes ensue.
The movie is fairly good but drags along in a lot of places. The movies runtime says 2 hours and 10 minutes but it feel much longer. It also felt like Michael Bay was trying to direct other movies while directing this one. I think he wants to do a Halo movie considering the entire hover bike sequence. Also, why does he feel he has to have a car chase involving one car throwing stuff off the back of it in every movie? Towards the end you feel as if you are watching "I, Robot" with clones instead of robots. And a problem I had with "I, Robot" rears its ugly head in this little gem as well. Why do people insist on making product placement so evident? Apparently everyone in this movie is expected to drink Aquafina while wearing a Mazo watch. And the most blatent product placement comes in the form of MSN video phone booths. Also, even though it is the year 2090 something, they are still using the original Xbox. Get with the times people. The musical score stands out as well as Steve Buscemi's part as Mac.
This movie wasn't the absolute trainwreck I thought it would be. It could be better compared to a hot looking girl who doesn't have any substance in the intelligence department. If you're an action junkie and don't require things like dialouge or orignal plot, be my guest. But for the rest of us, we'll just go see Batman again.
Final Score