
Saturday, July 31, 2004

The Village
M. Night Shamalan's new masterpiece that everyone seems to hate.

Now I know I promished you a I, Robot review but I decide to review something a little more worthy. Coming off the hit Signs in 2002, M. Night Shamalans new movie The Village has completly blown that movie out of the water. This man is a genious in his writing and filmmaking that is very rare these days. Dare I say M. Night Shamalan is the Quetin Tarantino of his genre of filmmaking.

On to the actual review now, first off if you are going to this movie because you think it is a horror/creature feature, don't. This movie is so much more than I had bargained for. I expected a movie like Signs (which was mediocre at best) and got a Sixth Sense/Unbreakable mix.

The movie starts off with a funeral for a little boy who had recently died and we establish the year and such. It is the year 1897 and we are in a little village where everyone helps each other out and they seem very tight knit. Our main characters consist of the town elder Edward Walker (William Hurt), the shy loner type Lucious (Joaquin Phoenix), the "hopelessly in love with everybody" Kitty (Judy Greer), and her blind sister Ivy (Bryce Dalls Howard), (Sigorney Weaver) as Lucious' mom and (Adrienne Brody) as the village idiot. The people of the village have been told to never enter the woods because of the violent creatures that live there. These creatures are also attracted to the color red for some reason so when ever red pops up they have to bury it. However the villagers and the creatures have struck a truce in which they will not enter the creatures woods and the creaturs won't enter their Village. This plot takes a turn when Lucious wants to go into the towns to get medicine for one of the villagers. The Elders promptly deny him that privelage saying he would be killed by the creatures. Lucious is proposed to for marraige by Kitty but he denies her because he is in love with her blind sister Ivy. A event happens in which Ivy needs to leave the village for medicine and she is granted to do that. The creatures in this are better than the CGI aliens in Signs. I can't go too much further into this review without giving lots of details away. In typical M. Night Shamalan fashion there is a big twist in the end and it is very fulfilling. This movie is one of the best I have seen all summer and maybe even ever. Forget what other critics are saying about this movie because they crave action and apparently cannot grasp the metaphore that The Village is built upon. So forget Ebert and forget Entertainment Weekly because if I love a movie this much, it has to be something special!

Final Score
A Whopping

I have decided to upgrade my scale so you can tell what is average and what is extraordinary!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

News on Hellboy DVD and news about current status of Happy Show

Here is a Email Matt sent me about another Hellboy DVD release:

Here's a tip: Wait until October to buy "Hellboy," unless you absolutely just can't wait. Here's why:

In October, a three-disc director's cut with 15 minutes of extra footage sliced from the theatrical release, as well as improved bonus materials, of "Hellboy" will be released. The first, del Toro says, 'is for the fan of the movie; the second will be for the collector.'

Del Toro was motivated by both vision and viewer. Hellboy's deluxe version will include not only more plot details, but also unusual bonus materials, such as a ROM feature that will allow fans to read and download the screenplay.

Says del Toro: It has "a lot of extras I felt would be really great to have as a collector. ... It's really loaded."

Though the article didn't say it, apparently, Del Toro is also motivated by money. Feh.

So, save your pennies for October. Me, I'm passing on the "Hellboy" DVD being released today. Hollywood is getting silly about these "Special Editions" and milking us, the viewers, a little too much, in my opinion.

Ok that was Matt's Email about a THREE DISC edition of Hellboy. I liked Hellboy ok but WHAT COULD THEY POSSIBLY PUT ON A THIRD DISC?! Sounds like they are doing what Underworld, Texas Chainsaw Masssacre, and Lord of the Rings did, milking every penny out of the fans.

Anyway the Happy Show is currently still up in the air and we might go DVD only or something but I will assure you I will not leave the Public Access eye. If I have to and if the Happy Show is truly over I will spinoff on my own show. If I do, remember where you heard it at first!!


PS: I saw I,Robot and I, liked it, review soon

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Happy Show is over

After a really good day of posting yesterday I now get the disprivelage to post some really bad news. Just read a e-mail from Matt and apparently he has decided to end the Happy Show midway into the second season. Words cannot descibe how bummed I am right now and I am telling you all this because you deserve to know. Anyway if I don't post for a while you now know why.


Sunday, July 11, 2004

Got that on location review done and Jason's Massacre Pictures!!

I went out last night and got those "on location" reviews of Spider Man 2 and Dodgeball. Special thanks to the manager of Showplace Cinemas North for giving us weird looks and not having any clue to what we were doing. Anyway here is the big thing I am posting, Jason's Massacre pictures from when we were filming. Jason's Massacre(I didn't come up with that name because I thought it was lame) was a film me and my friend Emery came up with. It should have already been on the Happy Show but my friend won't let it be on until it is "perfect". Let me tell you folks it is about as good as it is going to get, and if I can convince him, it should be on soon. If you would like to help me pursuade him please post in the comment section saying you want to see this film NOW!! Anyway here are the pictures!

Pic 1: Aaron with machete in chest(Behind the Scenes Pic http://img74.photobucket.com/albums/v226/GavinE/untitled.jpg

Pic 2: Gabriella, Elisabeth, and Sam having a bloody good time

Pic 3: Me as Jason

Pic 4: Goofing off between takes (from left to right) Emery, Elisabeth, Sam, Me, and Gabriella

Pic 5: Celebrating the last day of shooting (from left to right) ME(UNMASKED *gasp), Sam, Aaron, Elisabeth, and Emery

Just copy and paste the URL's because the Link system isn't working very well. Also some of the pics are a bit big but they should be ok!


Sunday, July 04, 2004

Saw Spider Man 2 today

It is by far the best movie I seen in a long time. I will have a complete review tomorrow and due to technical issues I was not able to get my on location review shot today. However I am determined to get this review on location so I will work it out somehow. Like I said full review tomorrow.


Thursday, July 01, 2004

Just watched The Happy Show

Kudos to Robert on mocking me and trying (I emphasize trying) to dance like me. Anyway Robert I will have my response to your spoofing in a few weeks. Hey I may say some harsh things but it is all in good fun. I did enjoy your spoof of me and your cheap Happy doppleganger was great. Anyway going to finish watching my Sopranos and Simpsons DVD's.

The real Gavin
(not the Robert one)

Seeing Spider Man 2

Going to go see Spider Man 2 this weekend and I plan on doing a review outside the theatre. Should be pretty cool and I'm glad I'm taking my camera man Emery with me. Anyway just wanted to say that because I haven't updated in about a week.
