
Saturday, August 21, 2004

News on AVP DVD and Batman Begins sequel

AVP News
Now after the many lackluster reviews given by myself and others to AVP some good news is on the horizon. A R rated directors cut of the movie is on its way when the DVD hits store shelves. A release date is still unknown but you can read the full story at my new message board home, Bloody-Disgusting.com

Joker News
Ah yes the clown prince of crime and he is working overtime these days considering that he already has people who might play him in the next Batman: Begins movie. Some of these potentials are Lachy Hulm who played the little known hovercraft pilot Sparks in the Matrix Revolutions and Reloaded. Steve Bushchemi who would be an excellent choice in my opinion considering his superb roles in Resevoir Dogs and Fargo. Robin Williams who I think is the least qualified for the role considering his age. Mark Hamill who did the wonderful voice of the Joker on the Batman animated show but may also be unqualified due to age. The last of these(and the reason I saw fit to mention it) is Alexis Denisof who played the role of Wesley Wyndam Pryce on Buffy and Angel. Alexis being a contender to this came as a shock to me. Anyway it is good to see that they are already planning sequals to the not even released Batman:Begins. I will be sure to keep you posted on these things. OH I got all this information from www.slayerverse.de


Friday, August 13, 2004

Alien VS Predator
A PG-13 disappointment

Now that tagline may seem like I hated this movie but that isn't completely true. Parts of this movie where really enjoyable but they spent to much time on the humans and some sort of temple excavation thing. Besides a character named Sebastian, I can't tell you a single character name because they didn't focus on names much. The humans in this were meant to be for slaughtering and in that they succeeded.

This movie starts off with the discovery of a ancient temple buried deep beneath a part of Antarctica. This team of archeologists head off to that part of the continent to find that overnight a perfect tunnel has been dug to the temple. Wonder who did that? Anyway they go into the temple and step on some kind of stone that resurrects a Alien queen. Outside all of this three Predators have landed to go on Safari. You basically know what happens next, Predators kill humans, Aliens kill humans, Aliens kill Predators, and Predators kill Aliens. It is all just one fun circle of killing each other. Something unexpected does happen but in a way it made the species who does the unexpected thing look really, really lame. Anyway at the end we get a huge fight between both parties and a sign that basically says "We Like Money, Must Make Sequel."

That is basically a plot in a nutshell for you. I did however like the special effects in this movie and the CGI was brilliantly done. Dare I say that the special effects in this were better than Spider Man 2. What it lacked in plot it made up for in some decent fight sequences and some humor. Some of the fights made both species look like complete pansy's though. Predators and Aliens both seemingly unstoppable in both there franchise's are easily defeated by each other. Also they held a lot back making this movie PG-13 and not R. Both franchise's had only R rated movies so apparently in the movie world R+R=PG-13. What? Did I miss something here? R+R=PG-13? You learn something new everyday. Also a complaint about the rating not related to the movie. PG-13 lets more kids in to this movie and having more kids in a theatre equals more incessant chattering and noise. I thought that the movie had really good surround sound until I figured out that it was some 10 yr old across the theatre complaining about not being able to see the Yu-Gi-Oh movie.

The last thing I will say about this movie is that they did a crappy job of bringing the two together. They are both alien species so it shouldn't be that hard but they made it difficult to understand even that. Why did they have to get the Aztecs/Mayans/Cambodians involved? See the movie and you will understand what that question is.

In conclusion I would like to state that this isn't a bad movie neither is it a good movie. I was looking forward to this movie and I felt a sense of longing for more as the credits started to roll. It's a good popcorn movie but it doesn't live up to the standards of either franchise's fans. I also would like to state that I hate people who talk in theatres.

Final Score

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Why I think Roger Ebert needs to find a new job

Now this isn't typically what on do on this site but I decided that I would post a rant about why I don't think Roger Ebert is qualified as a critic.

Ahhh yes Roger Ebert, review columnist for the Chicago Sun Times and reviewer on the popular show Ebert and Roeper formerly Siskel and Ebert. I have not liked Mr. Ebert for some time now and I will now tell you why I don't like him or his reviews.

First off he doesn't like movies that have any type of meaning, he likes the quick fixes of action and stuff. He did not like a movie like the Village(see my review below) but he gave very high reviews to crappy movies such as Tomb Raider and the Cradle of Life. My next point is he is biased towards some actor/actresses so he gives other wise crappy movies a thumbs up. He has a huge crush on Angelina Jolie and he has said this many times on the show thus he gives a crappy movie like Tomb Raider 2 a thumbs up yet good movies like the Village get the boot. I just don't know how this man keeps his job after he gave Garfield A THUMBS UP!!! I don't know waht this man was thinking but he gave it a thumbs up. I was shocked to find out that he gave Chronicles of Riddick a thumbs down conisidering that is the type of movie that is right up his alley.

In conclusion the main point of this is Ebert sucks and Roeper is awesome. Roeper can at least identify a crappy movie when he sees it. Sometimes I sit and watch At the Movies and wish it was Siskel and Roeper but I am not so lucky......