
Wednesday, July 30, 2003

More reviews later today or tomorrow. Ill be reviewing The Italian job and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons on DVD.

Finding Nemo

Next up on the review board is Finding Nemo a cute, fun movie made by Disney and Pixar ceators of Toy Story. I thought that it was a good family movie, but the beginning could be a little traumatic for younger kids. The premise of the story though i thought was very well done and the animation was some of the best i have seen to date. However I thought it was just a little darker than i thought it would be considering the age group it was aimed at. however I have to admit I am a little impartial to the CGI movie Ice Age just because it had jokes in it that only adults would get. Finding Nemo in the end though is a good kids movie and a good family outing to the movies. It kept with the formula that made Pixaras previous outings so successful. Hey if it works keep doing it!

3 out of 4

The Matrix Reloaded

Ok this was the first summer movie that I saw and let me say first off i had high expectations for the sequal to the Matrix. For the most part they were all met but there were a few minor set backs. One of which is the mysterious disappearence of Tank the ships operator from The Matrix. They mention that he died but that is about the extent of it. Also i thought the whole 150 Agent Smiths vs Neo fight was overly hyped and looked to CGI for my taste. However all of these flaws are all easily overlooked by the spectacular 14 minute car chase and chateu fight. However I thought the ending was a little anti climactic and overdone. Overall I thought it was a very enjoyable movie and a good second outing for the Matrix franchise. It sucks that I have to wait until Nov. 9th to have some closure in the Matrix saga though.

3 out of 4

Ok im new at the whole blog scene mainly because of my friend Eric (you can link to his blog) but I have been wanting a server to where i can review movies and DVD's for a while. Let me start off by introducing myself, I'm Gavin Eddings. I spend most of my time at the movie theatre or watching my collection of DVD's. I do have a life however and enjoy hanging out with my friends and talking online. I have been told I have critiquing skiulls so I've decided to put them to use. In my reviews I will be using a four point system that plays out like this:
1= It sucks
2= It doesnt suck
3= Worth checking out
4= It friggin rocks