
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My soon to be unpopular review of V for Vendetta!

V for Vendetta
Forgettable, forgettable, V for Vendetta was forgettable.

Having been a fan of the graphic novel by the legendary Alan Moore, I was optimistic about this film. Then I heard Alan Moore pulled his name off it. Then I heard the Matrix, I mean Wachowski Brothers wrote the screenplay for it. Then it was delayed due to the London bombings. While my interest was still peaked, I began losing a little bit of interest each day until finally, March 17th rolled around and this bad boy hit the cinemas.

Codename “V” (Hugo Weaving in a mask, at least, I think its him behind there) is a revolutionary whose past is unknown. He wants to overthrow the futuristic fascist English government and take revenge for what was done to him in a research facility years earlier. I mean, at least that is what the book said. In this we have only bits and pieces of the whole story due to the fact that a lot of the book was either cropped, adjusted, or just plain throw out to fill the movies two hour runtime. V later meets up with a young woman named Evey (Natalie Portman who later goes bald) who in the comic was a 15 year old prostitute but in the film is a TV studio worker. When V meets Evey, don’t blink or you will miss one of the movies few, yes I said few, action sequences. If you have seen the trailers and thought “Wow, a lot of stuff is happening. This looks action packed.” You are in the group of people who are wrong,. This movie is not action packed in any way. If you like dialogue and politics, then yes, it is full of action.

Another thing I really did not like about this film is the fact that it was in IMAX. I paid a full 3 dollars more to see a action packed film only to have an IMAX experience which consisted of talking. If I wanted to see digitally enhanced and high def talking, I’d go talk to someone. Also the politics in the movie will be argued whether or not it promotes or encourages terrorism or glorifies it. So that is something we have to look forward to. Lots of talking head politicians disputing a 27 year old graphic novel and it‘s stance on terrorism.

This film can also be the main case for why a Watchmen movie can NEVER be made. There was just too much back story in that book and this one to do it justice with a 2-3 hour film. I really wanted the character of V to be fleshed out more. I wanted his motives to be more clear. I wanted him making explosives and mustard gas.

To be quite honest, this is actually one of the weirdest reviews I have ever done due to the fact that I just can’t pinpoint why I didn’t like the movie. It wasn’t close enough to the book for my taste was one reason, But I find myself no liking this movie no other reason than I just didn’t like it. Sometimes I guess it is just that simple. If you enjoy political thrillers, then this might be for you. If you are like me and expected more action though, stay far, far away.

Final Score