
Wednesday, September 07, 2005


So maybe not technically on the weekend, but, hey, you are gettng two reviews. What more can you people ask for?

The 40 Year Old Virgin
Hilarious at the expense of other…good times

Steve Carrell seems to be on fire as of late as he just keeps getting great roles to play. Whether it be the great character of Brick in “Anchorman” or his leading role on the American version of the Office, he just cannot fail at this point. So how does his do in his first real starring role?

Andy (Carrell) lives a sad life working at a local Tech store and he spends his time collecting action figures. He can’t relate to his crazy co-workers stories either as he is a virgin. When this comes up during a game of cards with his co-workers, hilarity ensues (bag of sand ). From that point on it is just non-stop laughs. Every situation that Andy thinks will help him doesn’t. In one of the funniest sequences in the movie, he goes to get a body wax. Profanity and Kelly Clarkson ensue. The thing that makes this movie funny is the dead pan one liners and situations. It also helps that you can relate to Andy to an extent as he is just a regular guy who is a bit behind. Eventually he meets a woman who works at a eBay store and they begin to date. After being caught almost in the act by the woman’s two kids, they decide to put off the physical stuff. Unlike “Wedding Crashers,” this movie has its heart in the right place and you really begin to care about Andy. By the time the movie ends you feel like you have gone on this journey with Andy. The supporting cast is great as well as there one liners are fast, furious, often, and hilarious. The pseudo 80’s soundtrack was great as well as it went with the movie really well.

All in all this movie was really funny. Only thing that kind of off put me was how long it went on. It seemed to drag in certain spots but besides that is was great. I highly recommend this to anyone that is looking for a good time at the movies. And the ending can’t be beat….

Final Score

Transporter 2
I miss the Chinese director of the first one…..

The original Transporter is one of my favorite action films of all time. When I heard a sequel was going to be done, I was excited. So as I sat in the theater I expected a great fun romp of just good old
fashion action; what I got was some of the worse CGI I have ever seen in any movie. It isn’t ILM here, folks. More on that in a bit.

Jason Staham reprises his role as Frank Martin in this sequel to the 2002 cult hit “The Transporter.” As the film starts off you really don’t know what Frank is doing now days. Come to find out he is doing a chauffeur job for a wealthy family. It is never really explained how the family is wealthy but it has something to do with the dad being a drug rep or something. Anyway, the little boy that Frank chauffeurs for gets kidnapped during a doctors office shoot out involving a dual wielding vixen named Lola. It is then revealed that it is more than a kidnapping yadda yadda yadda. Trust me, you aren’t seeing this movie for its plot. You went to see it for the stuff being blowed up. And that it does well…part of the time. Remember how cool the first one was that only two scenes had any sort of CGI in it? I know I do, and that’s why it pained me that CGI is overused in this film. In one scene, Frank corksrews his car off of a ramp and hit’s a crane chain to knock a bomb off of his car. While many may think this is cool and imaginative obviously have not seen the film pull this off in a super imposed green screen fashion. The movie is redeemed though by the amazing hand to hand fight sequences and Franks ability to just be cool. Also, any movie that sees fit to use the song “Cells“(the song in the first Sin City trailer) by The Servant automatically gets cool points.

As a popcorn film it succeeds in almost every way. As a any other piece it pales in comparison to many movies out now. Go see Transporter 2 for a good time, just don’t look too hard for depth though and you should have a good time.

Final Score

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Something will be reviewed this weekeend, I swear!

I know I am not the most reliable when it comes to updatign my site but I will review soemthing this weekend. Whether it be the Transporter 2, The Transporter Special Edition DVD, Red Eye, The 40 Year Old Virgin, something will be reviewed this Labor Day weekend. If not, well, you can send me angry emails about how Full Metal Alchemist is the greatest thing ever and I don't know what I am talking about when I make fun of it(A suit of armor that is possesed by the soul of a 9 yr old boy? C'mon!). Anyway, I will review something this weekend and hopefully the happy show will be back soon!